Wednesday 6 September 2017

The return of the school run...

Yesterday, my two boys went back to school. We'd had a good summer so I was worried I was going to miss them dreadfully...

However, my children are SO CONSIDERATE that they decided to act like ferral animals before almost from the moment of waking,  purely so I'd be glad they are gone.

First crisis? The eldest wants to do the youngest's hair but the youngest has a clear idea of how he wants his hair done. He draws a picture on the black board of what he wants. I didn't get a photo but it was effectively a picture of the side of Homer Simpson's hair and he is ADAMANT he want's zigzag hair.

So, I brushed my teeth to a chorus of "I WANT THIS!", "YOU CAN'T HAVE ARROW HAIR, I'LL DO IT HOW IIIIIIIII WANT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

BUT I have been reading/listening to "How to talk so little kids will listen" so I took a deep breath, girded my lions and calmly walked onto the landings and called them to me and proceeded to completely loose my shit knowing full well that I had failed at the first hurdle (both boys in tears, one barricaded in his room, the other shoulder barging the door.)

The book does advise that "you almost always get s second chance" to set things on the right path.  Eventually, I  regained my temper, got the youngest to accept that zigzag hair wasn't going to happen but he'd look AWESOME if Daddy styled his hair like daddies. Deliver still slightly sniffly child to Daddy who promptly announces "I won't be able to do it like mine" while I frantically making shushing gestures behind his head.

Finally peace is restored, children are dressed and clean... So it's time for the obligatory first day back photos... We hunt down the school shoes and head for the front door... 37 photos later, I gave up trying to get them both to smile and look in the same direction at the same time.

We are now late leaving, so Daddy kisses them goodbye and off we go...

Despite the fraught morning, I am still a little sniffly when I drop them off at their new classes but that soon passes when I realise I am going home to PEACE AND QUIET!

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