Sunday 10 September 2017


After last weeks appalling attempt, today I realised I had nothing sweet to put in the boys lunchboxes in the morning (they have nagged me to let them have packed lunch for the term -ugh- and I have reluctantly agreed).

I had a trawl through the kitchen and found a butternut squash that was starting to look worse the wear so quickly found a pumpkin blondie recipe on the net that seemed fairly easy and, more importantly, I had enough ingredients for.

It came together quickly, the longest step being to prepare the butternut squash and boil it. I did substitute raisins for the pecans as they boys aren't allowed to take nut's etc into their school. Popped them in the oven while I packed the dishwasher and cleared up from the boys painting session this morning.

Leaving the to cool, I was a little nervous but I needn't have been as they turned out beautifully!

I let both children try them and they promptly spend the rest of the evening nagging "can we have another". I feel my soul is cleansed of my previous disaster so maybe I should actually tackle the sourdough brownies again. Another day, for today I shall revel in my triumph...

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